Leading carbon capture and storage research and development organization CO2CRC welcomes Japan’s support for Victoria’s Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project, which builds on CO2CRC’s work on the Gippsland pilot program. The project highlights the key role carbon capture and storage (CCS) will play in the accelerated delivery of low cost and low emissions hydrogen.

CO2CRC Chief Executive Dr Matthias Raab said the HESC project confirms that its two enabling technologies – hydrogen extraction from coal and CCS – are real, viable and affordable. The CCS component of the HESC project represents a fraction of the total project cost.

Dr Raab said HESC will utilize Victoria’s engineering expertise and skilled workforce to produce low-emissions hydrogen “at scale and quickly.”

“This project can kickstart the hydrogen economy at a scale needed for hydrogen to play a significant role in the energy transition.”

“This is an enormous opportunity to utilize the skills of the Latrobe Valley’s coal and oil and gas workforce to drive the energy transition in the region, and globally.”

“After 60 years of oil and gas production, the Gippsland Basin is one of Australia’s best understood geologies in which to permanently store CO2.”

“The fact that Japan’s Green Innovation Fund is investing in HESC highlights their endorsement of CCS as vital environmental and green technology.”

“There is growing global awareness of the critical role carbon capture and storage must play to enable nations to meet their emissions reduction targets on time and at a reasonable cost.”

CO2CRC is a not-for-profit research organization that has safely and securely stored 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide at its Otway International Test Centre in Victoria’s west and has operated its facility since 2006.

CO2CRC, together with GLP, worked on the Gippsland hydrogen production pilot for the HESC consortium partners J-Power and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, as well as Shell and AGL. GLP and CO2CRC designed and built the hydrogen purification unit to produce 99.999% pure hydrogen.

Dr Raab also highlighted important work is still to be done to bed down regulatory frameworks before industry can invest with confidence across multiple jurisdictions. “Current global CCS projects are a fraction of those required to meet net zero targets while maintaining energy security and affordability,” Dr Raab said.

“After decades of project development and operation around the world, the industry knows that CCS works, but policy settings must be right to enable it to play its true role in the emissions reduction journey.”

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About CO2CRC

Operating since 2003, CO2CRC is a world leader in carbon capture, utilisation and storage research. We own and operate the Otway International Test Centre in Nirranda South, South-West Victoria, Australia. Our investors and members recognise the strategic importance of CO2CRC systematically progressing the science and engineering of CCUS to ensure an efficient and safe deployment of the technology. Our work receives support from global industry, universities and government bodies – bringing together the world’s best scientists, engineers and industry leaders to deliver research, products and services to advance the implementation of CCUS technologies.

For more information please contact:

Shelly Murrell, CO2CRC on 0458 462 063 or shelly.murrell@co2crc.com.au