This week, CO2CRC had the privilege of hosting Senator Susan McDonald and Dan Tehan MP at the Otway International Test Centre (OITC). Their visit highlights how important carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is for Australia’s clean energy future. Having support from leaders like Senator McDonald and Dan Tehan reinforces the vital role CO2CRC plays in driving innovation made in Australia and delivering tested, real-world technologies to reduce emissions. At the OITC, we’re not just exploring what’s possible—we’re actively driving the technologies that will power the next generation of projects and help Australia meet its climate goals through commercially relevant demonstrations. And we do this successfully for over two decades now.

During their visit, we shared the exciting research and development work we’re leading. It was a great opportunity to show how we’re making CCS technology more efficient, scalable, and affordable. Our focus is on the next generation technology for the next generation of projects, so they aren’t just for today but for the future—ensuring we’re ready to meet the legislated emission reductions in the decades ahead.

This visit also highlighted the power of collaboration. CO2CRC thrives on partnerships with industry, government, and researchers, and seeing policymakers engage with our vision reinforces the importance of working together toward a shared goal. Thank you, Senator McDonald and Dan Tehan MP, for your time and enthusiasm for our work. We look forward to continuing our mission to deliver practical and impactful solutions for Australia’s clean energy future.

CO2CRC Chief Scientist, Dr Geoff O’Brien, Hon. Dan Tehan MP, Senator Susan McDonald, and CO2CRC CEO, Dr Matthias Raab at the Otway International Test Centre.