Hydrogen storage

Geological storage will be key for large scale, low cost, reliable hydrogen supply for future power, transportation and export demands
hydrogen storage

Underground hydrogen storage study

Hydrogen (H2) geological storage is attracting increasing attention globally, however, very few countries can move quickly to field scale demonstration.

This project will provide Australia’s first demonstration and validated methodology for industrial H2 geological storage in porous reservoirs.


For Australia to effectively capitalise on its hydrogen potential, large scale, safe and cost effective hydrogen storage is critical.

Hydrogen’s low density is a challenge to Australia’s ambition to be a major exporter of large volumes of energy to our regional partners, as it will require very large storage solutions to manage at scale.

CO2CRC, in partnership with CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, are addressing this challenge by developing the concept of geological storage of large volumes of H2 in porous rock.

Geological storage has the potential to overcome the infrastructure and safety challenges of storing H2 as well as supporting long-term supply security while decreasing delivery price through economies of scale.

While technical and operational experience of H2 geological storage around the world is minimal, the fundamental concept of geological storage of H2 in porous rock is sound, based on proven and comprehensive experience from both natural gas and CO2 storage projects.

Field scale testing in subsurface geological formations is the essential next step to demonstrate and mature the technical and economic viability of H2 storage.

Otway CO<sub>2</sub> storage site

The research project

The H2 geological storage demonstration’s overall goal is to develop and ultimately demonstrate, safe and effective H2 geological storage to reduce risk and enable commercial H2 storage within the H2 supply chain.

This project will provide Australia’s first demonstration and validated methodology for industrial H2 geological storage in porous reservoirs.

Australia, unlike most countries, can move quickly and effectively towards field scale demonstration studies through CO2CRC’s Otway International Test Centre’s data and facilities.

The OITC enables advancement of research from concept stage to full field scale demonstration within just a few years.

Outcomes from this demonstration will be vital for developing H2 geological storage as a viable option for meeting H2 demand and improving energy security in Australia.

Expected outcomes

Provide a viable set of subsurface storage options for assessing a hydrogen storage operation in terms of safe containment and performance
Develop suitable surface infrastructure and well designs for the safe handling of hydrogen at a storage facility
Establish key risks and management strategies for hydrogen storage and use this for an effective, transparent process for engagement with stakeholders
Provide an endorsed project plan for a demonstration project, and methodology for hydrogen geological storage site selection and site development

Contact us

Level 3, 289 Wellington Parade South, East Melbourne, VIC 3002 Australia 

+61 3 8595 9600


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