CO2CRC's capture technologies
Since 2003, capture research and development of membrane, adsorbent, potassium carbonate-based solvent (precipitating and non-precipitating) and cryogenic capture technology has been undertaken at a range of scales from laboratory to demonstration scaleHyCaps
HyCaps is a hybrid technology that combines solvent absorption and membrane separation in a single process and exploits the advantages of both technologies to achieve efficient carbon capture
CO2Sorb is a novel adsorbent that can be used in pressure swing adsorption (PSA) for CO2 removal from natural gas and Hydrogen/syngas purification

HyCaps is a hybrid technology that combines solvent absorption and membrane separation in a single process and exploits the advantages of both technologies to achieve efficient carbon capture.
CO2CRC has been developing the technology for the last several years and completed the pilot trials at three different industrial locations. We have also completed techno economic analysis which has shown the HyCaps solution to be very competitive.
HyCaps offers a novel and modular CO2 capture process that can be easily retrofitted and integrated with the process plant.
The opportunity
CO2CRC intends to further develop and scale up HyCaps to commercialisation with support and funding from our members or external investors.
HyCaps involves the transfer of CO2 from the flue gas through a hollow-fiber membrane, where it is chemically absorbed into a solvent. This takes advantage of the highly selective nature of solvent absorption technology, while the membrane acts to physically separate the solvent and gas flows. This enables much higher CO2 mass transfer into the solvent phase to be achieved than through traditional solvent absorption.
The technology is currently at TRL 5/6, with further demonstration and testing at scale needed to bring it up to TRL 8/9.
Benefits & features
Significantly lower cost of CO2 avoidance. Depending on cost of steam, the CO2avoidance cost can be as low as $21 per tonne of CO2
Well proven at pilot scale and has validated simulation model for scale up
Suitable for Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and floating LNG
Cost efficient –Low CAPEX and significantly lower OPEX
Compact, equipment can be oriented in any direction so suitable for retrofits and tight spaces (smaller footprint required compared to conventional solutions)
Utilise low temperature, waste steam thus reducing energy costs for regenerations
Modular technology, easier to scale up
Membrane modules which are commercially proven can be used with any solvent. Advantages of solvent can be passed to HyCaps
As the CO2 stream is greater than 99% pure, it can be utilized directly (dry ice, industrial grade CO2, Enhanced Oil Recovery) and can be used for carbon to product processes and geological storage
Collaborate with CO2CRC
CO2CRC are seeking collaboration and funding partners to progress HyCaps from TRL 5/6 to enable much higher CO2 mass transfer into the solvent phase to be achieved than through traditional solvent absorption that can progress toward commercialisation. Contact us below to be involved in the next stage:
+61 3 8595 9600
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CO2Sorb is a novel adsorbent that can be used in pressure swing adsorption (PSA) for CO2 removal from natural gas and Hydrogen/syngas purification.
CO2Sorb has good selectivity and working capacity and is expected to bring benefits of smaller CAPEX and OPEX requirements with minimum loss of valuable gas (CH4 or H2).
The opportunity
Recovering methane from high CO2 content natural gas fields is the next frontier in natural gas exploration.
Traditionally, solvent processes (physical and chemical solvent) and cryogenic processes are used for CO2 removal. These processes are capital intensive, require large footprint and have high operating costs.
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) demonstrates its potential as second-generation CO2 removal technology, which provides potential benefits of compactness, and lower energy requirements.
These advantages imply potential of reducing CAPEX and OPEX of an operation.
The test campaigns at CO2CRC’s Otway International Test Centre (OITC), in collaboration with The University of Melbourne, developed and tested novel adsorbents suitable for CO2 removal from natural gas and Hydrogen/syngas purification up to pressure of 50barg.
CO2CRC have collaborated with The University of Melbourne and further improved the adsorbent recipe that shows better adsorption characteristic and developed a synthesis process to support future material scale up. The technology is currently at TRL 4/5.
Benefits & features
The main innovation of CO2Sorb developed by CO2CRC and The University of Melbourne:
Easy Scale-Up: Synthesised from zeolite based adsorbent and are cost effective
Suitable for CO2 separation from high pressure gas (up to 50 bar)
Adsorbent material shows good adsorption characteristic (good selectivity, working capacity)
No toxic/corrosive chemical involved (compared to conventional solvent)
Robust material (compared to membrane)
Potentially lower CAPEX and lower OPEX (Compared to other similar capture solutions)
Collaborate with CO2CRC
CO2CRC are seeking collaboration and funding partners to progress CO2Sorb from TRL 4/5 and facilitate the production of material at scale, validate large scale simulation and technoeconomic study of CO2Sorb and to progress to commercialisation Contact us below to be involved in the next stage:
+61 3 8595 9600