CO2CRC’s Otway International Test Centre will be open to the Public on Saturday March 25 from 10.00am until 3.00pm for a Public Open Day highlighting the important work the centre is doing to enable emissions reduction in Australia and around the world. Members of the community will be able to visit the research centre, meet with scientists, have a tour and enjoy a gourmet barbeque lunch.

CO2CRC Chief Executive Officer Matthias Raab said scientists will be on hand to discuss the organisation’s ongoing Stage 4 research project, a new program that will demonstrate technologies to improve the efficiency of carbon injection, storage, and monitoring.

The project has just seen the  drilling of two new shallow wells, and is using a novel fibre optic cable provided by the Japanese Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth and the other equipment to monitor the impact of subsurface faults on the storage of CO2.

“A visit to the CO2CRC Otway International Test Centre provides a unique opportunity for the public to learn more about Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS), a technology involving storing carbon dioxide permanently deep underground to reduce atmospheric emissions, a practice that is recognised internationally as being vital to meet global emissions reduction requirements,” Dr Raab said.

“Our current research at the OITC will also investigate whether we can change the manner in which we store carbon dioxide to enable us to increase the efficiency of CO2 storage sites. Much of the technology and processes that have been developed and refined at Nirranda South have already been implemented at commercial storage sites both in Australia and overseas.

“The research outcomes from our current project have the  potential to make CCS a more affordable emissions reduction technology.  The Open Day is an opportunity for the community to learn more about this and also CO2CRC’s work in the area of carbon utilisation and capture.”

CO2CRC has been conducting research at the OITC for well over twelve years and is recognised as a global leader in Carbon Capture Use and Storage research, so researchers are well equipped to answer any question you may have about the technology.

Tours of the site will be held at 11.00am and 2.00pm. Morning tea, lunch and barista coffee will be provided.

Visitors to the OITC must wear long pants and shirt of natural fibres and covered shoes.

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About CO2CRC

Operating since 2003, CO2CRC is a world leader in carbon capture, utilisation and storage research. We own and operate the Otway International Test Centre in Nirranda South, South-West Victoria, Australia. Our investors and members recognise the strategic importance of CO2CRC systematically progressing the science and engineering of CCUS to ensure an efficient and safe deployment of the technology. Our work receives support from global industry, universities and government bodies – bringing together the world’s best scientists, engineers and industry leaders to deliver research, products and services to advance the implementation of CCUS technologies.

For more information please contact:

Shelly Murrell, CO2CRC on 0458 462 063 or