Underground Hydrogen Storage Industry Workshop

From desktop to demonstration: Delivering UHS in Australia

Hydrogen storage workshop

The role of hydrogen in Australia’s future domestic energy mix and as an export commodity is being increasingly acknowledged by industry and government. Subsurface geological formations offer large-scale, safe and cost-effective hydrogen storage.

Since the first Australian industry workshop was held in December 2022, there has been growing awareness of underground hydrogen storage (UHS). Field-scale UHS demonstrations and pilot projects in Europe have begun injection of pure hydrogen, while in Australia several pre-feasibility studies of UHS have been completed. There has also been growing interest in naturally occurring hydrogen, with the recent successful drilling of the first wells in Australia to specifically explore for this resource.


CCUS Fundamentals Course, carbon capture, utilization and storage course


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22nd FEBRUARY 2024

8.30am – 5.00pm (AEDT)
Stamford Plaza, Melbourne, VICTORIA, 3000.
Room: Buckingham Room 1

In-person attendance: $100* – SOLD OUT
Online attendance: $25* – SOLD OUT

*Prices include GST

As the possibility of geological storage of hydrogen develops beyond desktop and laboratory studies to the practical demonstrations needed to support commercial deployment, this one-day workshop will examine how UHS technology might advance in Australia:

  • What can be learned from the UHS projects already in progress?
  • What key geoscience and engineering research is needed for UHS to become a reality?
  • How will UHS be regulated in Australia and what can be learned from overseas experience?
  • How can potential synergies between UHS and natural hydrogen be maximised?
  • What are the likely business cases for UHS in Australia?

The workshop will be dedicated to underground hydrogen storage and while the focus will be on storage in porous media, many issues will be common to all types of UHS and natural hydrogen exploration.

This event will provide an unparalleled opportunity for specialist networking with the UHS community in Australia.

This will be the essential event in 2024 for those working on all aspects of hydrogen in the subsurface!


8:00 Registration
8:45 Workshop opens

Setting the scene

There was significant progress towards demonstrating the viability of UHS during 2023 with pilot projects implemented in Europe. This session will frame the objectives of the workshop and look back at what’s been happening globally in UHS over the past year.

Speakers include:

  • Serge van Gessel (TNO): IEA-TCP Task42: Building confidence in Underground Hydrogen Storage.
  • Jacqui Sutton (Lochard Energy)
10:00 Break

Subsurface science and engineering

Although field trials are underway, there’s still plenty of research needed to ensure that the full potential of UHS is realised. This session will include presentations and syndicate discussions that will highlight what’s being done in Australia and what needs further investigation.

Speakers include:

  • Andrew Feitz (Geoscience Australia): The role of salt caverns in Australia’s transition to net zero.
  • Jonathon Ennis-King (CSIRO): Assessment of depleted gas fields for underground hydrogen storage.
  • Rod Harris (Lochard Energy): H2RESTORE Project, Otway Basin
12:00 Lunch

Commercial aspects of UHS in Australia

What are the likely uses and business models that will support commercial scale deployment of UHS in Australia? In addition to syndicate discussion, confirmed speakers include:

  • Stuart Walsh, Monash University: Geology, History, Industry … Opportunity? What drives hydrogen storage site selection.
  • Mike Johns, University of Western Australia: Modelling sustainable hydrogen supply chains.
14:30 Break

Regulating UHS

This roundtable session with invited speakers will address how different States in mainland Australia are approaching the role of hydrogen in the energy transition and the challenges of regulating underground hydrogen storage.


Where next?

The final session will start with a keynote talk on the Underground Sun Storage 2030 project followed by feedback from the syndicate and roundtable discussions and an opportunity to reflect on the workshop outcomes and the next stages of UHS development in Australia.

  • Markus Pichler, RAG: Development of an integrated subsurface hydrogen storage system – Non-subsurface challenges met in an Austrian UHS project.
17:00 Close

Program agenda

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Registration cost

In-person attendance: $100* – SOLD OUT

Online attendance: $25* – SOLD OUT

*Prices include GST 

Need more details?

Get in touch with us for more information – info@co2crc.com.au

Contact us

Level 3, 289 Wellington Parade South, East Melbourne, VIC 3002 Australia 

+61 3 8595 9600


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