Seismology Monitoring Network

Seismologists from The University of Melbourne are establishing protocols for instrumentation and network design for geophysical monitoring in noisy offshore storage sites such as those proposed by CarbonNet in the offshore Gippsland Basin. Newly designed and manufactured ocean bottom seismometers were deployed offshore and complement an existing network of onshore seismographs across south-eastern Victoria. All instruments record seismic activity in the subsurface and are used to base-line natural seismic activity in the Gippsland near-shore region as a precursor to future commercial development of CO2 storage sites. The seismographs are logging data hundreds of times per second.

Key CCS Focus:

  • Optimisation of cost-effective monitoring of offshore micro-seismicity around potential CCS sites using high density onshore seismic networks, together with offshore island and OBS deployments