CO2CRC has won a competitive $1.2m grant from the NSW government’s Coal Innovation Fund. The money will be used to develop cost effective carbon capture technology at the Vales Point power station in NSW.
“The funding will enable us to work with the University of Melbourne to combine the advantages of both solvent absorption and membrane gas separation methods of capturing CO2, while overcoming the drawbacks of both technologies.
“This work has the important aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the use of coal in the energy sector,” said Tania Constable, CO2CRC CEO.
The project will make use of a capture plant from Victoria’s Hazelwood Power Station, which became redundant when Hazelwood closed in March. The plant has been relocated to Vales Point and is currently being modified to use both solvent and membrane technologies.
The NSW Coal Innovation Fund was established through a four-year levy on electricity distribution companies in 2009-2013. The fund supports research, development and demonstration of low emissions coal technologies.
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For more information please contact:
Robert Hilkes, Marketing and Communications Manager on 0413 338 144 or