icon storage

Optimising storage

Develop and demonstrate commercially focussed and relevant reservoir management technologies to improve injection, storage, modelling and monitoring efficiencies, materially lower costs for project proponents and make CO2 storage more widely viable

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Reducing capture costs

Reduce capture costs and improve capture efficiency via the development and demonstration of new capture technologies.

icon utilisation

Enhancing CO2 utilisation

Improve utilisation and storage efficiency and reduce utilisation and storage costs by developing and demonstrating new CO2 utilisation technologies

H2 icon

Enabling Hydrogen Storage & Utilisation

Facilitate the accelerated roll-out of the emerging low-emissions hydrogen economy in Australia, to the benefit of Members, the wider Australian community, and the environment.

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Collaboration, Leadership & Education

Continuously enhance CO2CRC’s value to Members, government and other stakeholders via focussed and ongoing communication, collaboration, and educational activities.

Applied research

CO2CRC conduct research from fundamental concepts right through to field scale deployment.

Through CO2CRC’s Otway International Test Centre we aim to bridge the technology innovation gap and advance research developed in universities and progress towards commercialisation


Building a low emissions future

CO2CRC is Australia’s leading carbon capture, utilisation and storage research organisation with over 20 years of experience safely capturing, storing and monitoring CO2.

CO2CRC’s research portfolio extends to clean hydrogen and other low emission technologies such as Direct Air Capture and Carbon Negative Biorefineries.

In collaboration with internationally respected industry, academic and government partners CO2CRC delivers low emission technology solutions to the world.

Tonnes of CO<sub>2</sub> safely stored

Research Publications


The Otway International Test Centre

Owned and operated by CO2CRC, the Otway International Test Centre is arguably one of the best characterised subsurface research sites globally for low emissions technology development.

Explore CO2CRC Courses

CCUS fundamentals course

Storage courses

Tailor-made courses for your teams

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A leader in the industry

CO2CRC has built a wide and expert network of members and partners that stretch across industry, research and government. By becoming a member of CO2CRC you’ll gain access to a variety of research, networking opportunities, webinars, events, and more.

    Members and Partners

    Since 2003, we have been working closely with our members and partners on collaborative research and pre-commercisalistion of low emission technology

    Contact us

    Level 3, 289 Wellington Parade South, East Melbourne, VIC 3002 Australia 

    +61 3 8595 9600


    Contact Us